Sunday, March 21, 2010

Just Got to Home

Yeay, I just got to home at 11.30 pm. Left home in the morning and arrived so late, and now staring at my lappy try to share about today. Career expo was a tired one. As my plan before, PLN become my primary object and almost 2 hour I've been waiting for the online registration and other requirement. So tired!
Shinta met some of her friends there, Gilang and Fahtoni (if im not mistaken)... nice to meet you both guys!
And wait, who is she, overthere?? yes, she is %#$@?/("&*  (sorry, forgot the name) one of senior in 14 fl. see??? bukan cuma gue sm sinta yang main kucing2an.

While Shinta already left the expo, Mila wasn't come. wait..wait..wait.. 
I'm not in a good mood for went home, so I stayed @Mila's home for a while. But, her mom was asked me and Mila for joining her to mosque, Ahmad Al Habsy was there, giving some "ceramah" in order to celebrate Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW.
Look! me and Mila do wore the same clothe :)) 

Time's up, I gotta went home since it was 11 pm. My mobile phone showed many sms, mom and dad sent it all the time, love you so much dear mom and dad. 
Then I drive slow......  feel comfy after those "ceramah" (kalo ustadnya tampan itu mah bonus, subhanallah :p)

Good night everyone, I'll take my blanket up and go sleep :)

"Beramal lah karena apa yang kita miliki di dunia hanya titipan Allah yang sewaktu2 bisa diambil begitu saja"
Kun fayakun


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