Sunday, July 11, 2010

Brightspot Invitation

Last Thurs was a Brightspot Market time actually
An event that dedicated for they who love fashion
Because here, where the unique stuffs met the fashioners
But, since I shud do packing for the trip
I apologize for my absence on Thurs nite
My regret because I know there's an invitation to pass the gate
Hehe, and me, one of the lucky one for having this invitation but
having no time for the day,
Brightspot Market was opened for public on Fri, too late too post this news, but i've shared bout this yesterday via twitter actually

Semanggi, Solo, Central Java
3:57 am via smartphone



  1. semalem gw ke plaza indonesia lagi ada noh.
    eh sejak kapan nih elu jadi fashion minded gini??
    gokil daaaah temen gw.
    gaoool pisaaaan euy!

  2. iyah
    itu dia, seru yeee,, payah ni gue melewatkan barang2 unik dsana
    gak lah, gak fashion minded, tetep freak kok. ahahaha
