Tuesday, May 18, 2010


fyuuhhh .... fyuuhhh
just inhale....
thank you teh for the effort
we'll get the permission first then looking for tickets later
did search plane tickets for almost the whole day
brows, search, check ticket's availability, web register, mobile register, dial some numbers, texting, ask for credit card for payment need (both of us hate CC)
everything's done, all out
then knew that it's something improbable for us to get the permission
at the same time
realize that we're no longer collegers who able to went anywhere with just said
"yaudasii pergi aja, jangan kaya orang susah"
now, we hv a job
now, we hv responsibilities
now, we know someone called "bapak"
pak, kenapa dirimu begitu bikin kita bedua puter otak
betapa bikin kita bedua cuma bisa bilang "gak mungkin" setiap ide liburan ini datang
teteh yang hopeless cari tiket masih mau ngusahain anak ky gue
yang menggebu2 bgt ke pantai
stres stres stres
go away go away go away from jkt, far and away
waa,, mau nangis :'(
inhale... inhale...



  1. we must go,,,
    whatever the way for the permit,,

    take a breath for a while,,
    and we can arrange the next plan,,

    ciaaayyooo :)

  2. masih dalam rangka mencari tiket dan tanggal yang pas ya teh, semangat.
    (diketik sambil buka tab baru website salah satu penerbangan murah indonesia)
